Don’t sacrifice the kind of life and health you truly desire by catering to your short-term comfort over your long-term goals.

Zero Dean

Author | Photographer | CG Artist | Filmmaker

Zerosophy (Main)
Zerosophy (Main)
Zerosophy (Main)
Celebrating cruelty, intolerance, and injustice, encouraging acts of aggression, and sympathizing with those who hate & discriminate sure sound like
Zerosophy (Main)
People are influenced by example. Years of bad behavior on reality TV, abusive internet comments, a focus on superficiality &
Zerosophy (Main)
People who play it safe as a means to be liked (or get likes) by only promoting or supporting what's
Zerosophy (Main)
Don't know something? Admit it Make a mistake? Own it & don't make it someone else's problem Make a mess?
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Goals. If you have to console yourself after quitting, feel the need to play up being disappointed, or feel guilty
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Goals. Don't quit when you're angry. Don't quit when you're tired. Don't quit when you're upset. Don't quit when you're
Zerosophy (Main)
ImagineIf more people stopped seeking a constant stream of likes & shares and instead started working for the far more
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ImagineIf teachers were regarded with the same high degree of respect (& compensated accordingly) as other higher-paying professions that often
Zerosophy (Main)
Of course, we *could* keep bickering amongst ourselves forever & what fun that is! But consider for a moment that
Zerosophy (Main)
If you're starting to struggle with your NewYearsResolutions it's probably because you're trying to initiate too much change at once.
Zerosophy (Main)
Don't let discouragement keep you from reaching goals within your grasp. Understand that facing setbacks & being discouraged doesn't have
Zerosophy (Main)
Life knocks people down & it's good at it. And if you get up it will probably knock you down

No ads • No sponsors • No seminars • No “secrets to success” • No mystical motivation • No insincere enthusiasm • No superficial ego-boosting posts • No manipulative marketing tactics • No emphasis on materialism over happiness • No desire to imitate anyone or conform to the status quo • No insistent requests to subscribe to blog or follow on social media • No hidden agenda • No one to impress. • No hypocrisy — I live in congruence with the lessons I share. Love it or hate it. Content is written to be helpful and meaningful, not perfect or popular or designed for likes.